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1: milk 1 litre

 2: corn flour 5 tbsp

 3: sugar 3 /4 cup

 4: milk 1/3 cup

 5:vanilla essences 1 tsp


 For Rose Topping:

 1: rose water 1 tbsp

 2: water 1/3 cup

 3: red food colour 1/4 tsp

 4: corn flour 1 tsp

 5: sugar 1 tsp

 6: almonds for garnishing



 For Orange Topping:

 1: orange juice 1/3 cup

 2: sugar 1 tsp

 3: corn flour 1 tsp

 4: almonds for garnishing


 For Chocolate Topping:

 1: Nutella spread 1 tbsp (melted)

 2: almonds for garnishing


 For Mango Topping:

 1: mango puree 2 tbsp

 2: almonds for garnishing


  1.  1: in a bowl mix corn flour and milk 1/3 cup.

     2: in a pot add milk, sugar mix well, wait for a boil on high flame, then add the corn flour mixture and whisk till gets   thick  on medium high flame.

     3: now add the vanilla essences mix well.

     4: transfer the mixture in the serving bowls, keep in the fridge to cool.

     5: then spoon on the mango puree on one, sprinkle crushed almonds, place it in the fridge to cool completely.

     6: melt Nutella in microwave for 1 minute and top it on sprinkle the almonds, place it in the fridge.

     7: in a pan add orange juice, sugar, corn flour mix well, cook on medium flame till gets thick, keep stirring, and top it on   sprinkle the almonds, keep the bowl in the fridge to cool.

     8: in  a pan add rose water, red colour, sugar, corn flour, water mix and cook on medium flame till gets thick, top in on   sprinkle the almonds and place in the fridge to cool.

     9: serve cold and enjoy :)

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